Dad And Me (Já a můj tatínek)

Dad And Me - free flash hra online

Abyste mohli začít hrát, musíte nainstalovat další program: <a href="" target="_blank">Flash Player</a>
Dad And Me play information Visit the playgrounds with your dad with a special mission. That mission is to beat up every single kid on the playground, and bully the place. Be carefull for the other bully kids, they will fight back.. Dad And Me controls This game is using the keyboard to control the game, read the instructions inside the game for more information!

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 Článek Dad and me (online flash game)  v angličtině (ENG)...
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Dad And Me
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Dad And Me
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Dad And Me
Dad And Me

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29.10: Máte-li zájem o jakékoli podrob nější informace na téma: Dad And Me, neváhej...

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